How to Lose Weight by Eating Raw Tomatoes

The tomato diet is an accessible and useful food system aimed at losing weight, cleansing blood and removing toxins from the body.

How to Lose Weight by Eating Raw Tomatoes

Features of a tomato diet for weight loss

The tomato diet is based on the nutrition of tomatoes and their dishes, which are low-calorie with high useful properties. In tomatoes contains a lot of vitamins, ascorbic acid, minerals and trace elements. Regular use of tomato juice allows to strengthen immunity, strengthen protective functions of the body, normalize metabolism and purify the body of toxins. A lot of positive responses to the tomato diet was due to the fact that tomato juice helps protect the body from the negative influence of the environment. tomato diet is aimed at regulating metabolism and eliminating excess lipid deposits. Using daily tomato, apple, lemon and oxalic juices can significantly reduce body weight, eliminate the deficiency of vitamins in the body and improve the physical condition.

Advantages and disadvantages of a tomato diet

Good responses the tomato diet has as a food system, directed not only to losing weight, but also to strengthen various systems of the human body. The main advantages of a tomato diet for weight loss include:

  • Rapid weight loss without harm to the body;
  • Improvement of the cardiovascular and digestive systems;
  • Elimination of deficiency in the body of vitamins B and C, carotene;
  • Normalization of blood pressure;
  • Prevention of gastritis, pancreatitis and peptic ulcer.

If this diet is observed, about 1.5 kg of tomatoes should be eaten daily. Lose weight on tomatoes can be fast enough, as they are low-calorie vegetables. In 100 grams of tomatoes contains 23 calories, and in 100 ml of tomato juice, 18 calories. These vegetables can be included in an unlimited amount in the diet.

It should also be taken into account that the use of tomatoes is contraindicated during intoxication and in severe digestive system diseases.

During a tomato diet, the body reduces the amount of liquid, so to avoid fast weight gain after a diet, you need to gradually switch to the consumption of foods with a salt content.

Positive responses the tomato diet has both a diet menu that fits vegetarians and athletes.

During the diet, tomatoes are better to eat fresh without heat treatment, in which useful acids are lost. You can eat tomato juice with potatoes and other vegetables, but do not mix tomatoes with other foods such as meat, eggs and cottage cheese. The combination of these products can cause a digestive disorder.

Tomato juice is well absorbed with olive oil, nuts, low-fat cheeses and garlic. In tomato juice should not be added salt and other spices, but you can add fresh herbs to it.

Types of tomato diets

Positive responses the tomato diet has received as a food system, which has several types, selected according to the condition and the presence of excess weight of patients. Dieticians allocate long and short tomato diets. A short tomato diet is an unloading diet, which should be followed for 2-3 days. This diet is aimed at losing weight by 2-3 kg. In order to lose weight on tomatoes on a short diet, you need to eat every day (for 3 days) 1.5 kg of vegetables. The intake of food is divided into 4 times, and from the diet completely remove sugar, salt and various spices. A long tomato diet is carried out for 14-15 days, and for its period you can get rid of 3-5 kg.

The diet of a long tomato diet can be divided as follows:

  • Breakfast – a glass of tomato juice, two slices of rye bread and a banana;
  • Lunch – 100 g of boiled rice, a small piece of boiled fish, a glass of tomato juice and an apple;
  • Dinner – 50 grams of rice, vegetable cutlets, fresh tomatoes and tomato juice.

The most useful is the freshly squeezed tomato juice, which has a restorative and restorative effect. During the tomato diet, it is necessary to drink a large amount of liquid and not only tomato juice, but also non-carbonated mineral water.

If you follow a tomato diet, you need to keep your body in tone, perform aerobic exercises and walk in the fresh air.

In addition to a short and long tomato diet, there is a special diet of a permanent nature (lasting for several months). It is aimed at systemic weight loss, and its main ingredient is tomatoes, which must be eaten daily in fresh and stewed, and also drink tomato juice 5-7 times a day. During this diet are allowed to consume a variety of vegetables and fruits, boiled chicken, fish and low-fat dairy products.

The key to maintaining the correct weight after a diet is light aerobic exercise, swimming and massage.

Image credit: Meditations
