Connection Between Stress and Weight Gain

Connection Between Stress and Weight Gain

Experts note that it is hormones that play a key role in weight gain during stress.

Chronic stress can lead not only to serious health problems, but also to rapid weight gain, but the reason for gaining extra pounds in the appendage to depression is the “handiwork” of hormones.

Due to chronic stress, hair begins to fall out, teeth to crumble, menstruation to disappear, and sleep becomes restless. And this is not all the consequences faced by people suffering from stress.

All this happens because of the hormones. The mechanism of hormones in each of us is the same, yes, with its own characteristics, but the mechanism is the same. This applies only to chronic stress. Short stressful situations and stress during training, on the contrary, positively affect people and the body. During stress, a number of hormones are produced: adrenaline, norepinephrine, cortisol, prolactin.

The key role in influencing health during stress is still played by the hormone cortisol. It regulates sugar balance, glucose, and insulin metabolism. But, under stress, the amount of the hormone in the blood increases and the process of suppressing the immune system starts and at that very moment, all the “sores” become aggravated.

What happens if cortisol exceeds its norm?

    • High blood pressure;
    • Decreased thyroid function;
    • Hyperglycemia;
    • Bone fragility;
    • Decreased immunity;
    • Tissue destruction.

So, the negative effect of cortisol also directly affects the figure. It contributes to the appearance of fatty deposits in the waist area, as a result of cravings for sweet and fatty foods.

The body is given signals that it should set aside reserves for an energy reserve. Often it is chronic stress and high levels of cortisol that prevent weight loss. And this is one of the reasons for weight gain during prolonged stress.

Picture Credit: Unsplash
