Many people consider belly-fat to be bad, but the reality is it also serves a lot of good for us. In addition to it’s protective elements, belly fat also serves as a storage component to provide our body with necessary fats, nutrients, and other cravings as needed.
Unfortunately, as well all know, too much of anything can be bad. The extra fat (cells) in your stomach, also known as visceral fat, creates special hormones, known as adipose hormones, and these can be troublesome, in turn trigger heart problems, blood, and even difficulties for functionality, as well as inflammation, of our everyday organs. While many feel that weight-loss is necessary, at times it isn’t, and what we may feel or think isn’t always correct about our health. Weight-loss, like anything in life, must be applied with caution, good intentions, and patience.
Good Fat v. Bad Fat
There is a common misconception with weight-loss that it’s necessary to cut the fat. This however, is not necessarily the case. The difference between a good fat, and a bad fat, is the chemical and nutrient compounds of the fat, how frequently it’s consumed, and what your current fitness to diet routine is. Monounsaturated fatty acids, or MUFAs are good for weight-loss, as they promote the burning of themselves as chemical compounds as necessary, as opposed to storing themselves up in your body, and giving you that unwanted look in your stomach, legs, or behind for example.
Some examples of good, common MUFas are olive-oil, avocado, and nuts, so consider adding these to your everyday diet and meals!
Depression is a common cause of weight-gain, but can be averted not only through the methods of consuming more MUFA’s, but also getting your heart pumping, and adding to your cardiovascular routine. In turn, this can increase the dopamine and serotonin in your brain (feel good chemicals) and ultimately provide a healthier, happier, more willing to consume MUFA’s with results, you. Energizing your metabolism and your mood makes it all the easier of a process.
Looking to accompany your new diet and fitness routine with a healthier sugar intake, heart, and mood? Consider adding magnesium to your diet to promote weight loss, as it regulates over 300 daily functions of the body, stimulating increased levels of functionality, and happiness.
Many athletes, but all people alike, should also consider the health-benefits of Fish Oil, as this not only promotes weight loss, but specifically does so as acting as a natural lubricant in the body to aid in muscle recovery, loss, injury, and neurological development increasing focus, and energy–another motivator for your net diet and routine.
Image credit: Gert Lavsen