Garcinia Cambogia as a tropical fruit is also popularized by the name Malabar tamarind. It serves as a weight losing supplement and known to block body’s ability of making fats. It also puts a brake on their appetite and helps them keep cholesterol and blood sugar levels in proper check. In several diet products, it is mixed up as an ingredient which is quite visible inside stores. HCA or hydroxycitric acid is present in the fruit’s rind portion reduces appetite and boost fat burning process. The enzyme known as citrate lyase is used by the human body to produce fat. It is known to raise the serotonin levels which can make the person less hungry.
Real weight loss consequences are not that impressive to talk about. Studies published in a journal reported people losing up to 2 pounds extra compared to those who didn’t consume Garcinia Cambogia. Surprisingly, the reviews didn’t confirm whether the fruit was responsible for weight loss. A low calorie diet and disciplined exercise regimen could be also responsible. An in-depth research should be conducted to see if HCA is helpful in allowing people to lose weight.
The body may be able to utilize glucose much better due to the consumption of Garcinia Cambogia. As per study outcome, mice consuming the fruit had low insulin levels compared to mice that failed. Another reason for people’s interest is the consumption of the fruit alongside diabetes medication leading to blood sugar control and glucose level decline. More research studies were conducted on this subject and one of the study outcomes throws a different perspective. The fruit will check cholesterol levels; reduce LDL and triglycerides apart from rising HDL. However, people with pre-existing conditions shouldn’t use it if they have been prescribed medicines for cholesterol.
The intake of this aforementioned fruit brings side effects to many people. Some of the commonly occurring conditions are headache, dry mouth, dizziness, diarrhea and upset stomach. In 2009, FDA warned many people on using weight loss items featuring the fruit as one of the ingredients. Some people consuming such food items resulted in acute liver problems. It also comprised of other ingredients which means the fruit is not the only reason for bringing such unfortunate and unhealthy outcomes.
The same fruit may interact in a different manner with allergy and asthma medications. It includes singulair and accolate, diabetes medicines like insulin and pills. Painful medicines, iron in anemia, psychiatric condition prescriptions, warfarin, statins. One should stay away from such medications in crucial time period of their life. It includes nursing, pregnancy, liver and kidney problems.
The study outcomes and conclusions drawn after long term and short term research reveal mixed responses. It is a wider decision to consult a doctor who can suggest suitable steps to follow. Consumption of the fruit is safer or not can be judged the right way with them. Provided there are no threats, losing weight is no cakewalk. Investing time, efforts and money judiciously on healthy food can be wider decision.
Image credit: Ekkapon Sriharun